
San Leon, the independent oil and gas Production, Development and Exploration Company focused on Nigeria announces that, further to the Company’s AIM Admission Document published on 8 July 2022 (the “Admission Document”), the documents in respect of the New ELI Investment have now been signed by the relevant parties, being ELI Malta and San Leon Energy Financing.
The New ELI Investment comprises of:
(i) the New ELI Loan from San Leon to ELI of US$16,000,000 at a coupon of 14% per annum over four years and repayable quarterly following a one-year moratorium; and
(ii) the New ELI Subscription at nominal value of a further 10 per cent. of ELI’s diluted share capital.
Details of the New ELI Investment, which remains conditional, amongst other things, on San Leon shareholder approval at the EGM convened for 5 August 2022, were announced by the Company on 8 July 2022 and can be found in the Admission Document which is available on the Company’s website: https://www.sanleonenergy.com.